All students of the University of Nairobi are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of the University. Failure to follow the university regulations can lead to disciplinary cases and in certain instances expulsion. It is important that all students familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations of the University.  The rules and regulations governing student conduct and discipline are in the student handbook.

General Conduct

All students shall conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of integrity, personal discipline and morality and in particular, shall:-

  1. Respect and adhere to the administrative and academic procedures and structures established by the University of Nairobi Act for the control, governance and operations of the University,
  2. Respect the rights and privileges of the members of the University community at all times.
  3. Carry themselves in all public places or fora with such humility and dignity as befits their status as mature and responsible citizens

Academic Conduct:

  1. All students shall apply themselves diligently to the courses of study approved by Senate and for which they are registered and, in particular, shall,
  2. Except for good cause, attend all lectures, tutorials, seminars, practical  and Other scheduled courses of instructions,
  3. Refrain from any conduct whose objects or logical consequences is to disrupt the operation of academic programmes of the University, and
  4. Comply with all other regulations made by Department, Faculties and Colleges for the proper conduct of specific programmes.

Examination Regulations

Students are expected to familiarize themselves with examination rules and regulations in the courses they have chosen and ensure they fulfilled all the examination requirements. At the beginning of each semester, every student must register for the courses and examination they are due to take within the first three weeks. Students are required to attend at least two thirds of all the courses they have registered for that semester failure to which no student will be allowed to sit the final exam.

If a student fails to sit for an exam or his/her performance may be affected by sickness, bereavement or any other problem must report in writing before sitting the examinations. Every student who has registered for university examinations must have an exam card. More information can be found

Residential Conduct

All students who reside in the halls of residence are required to abide by the regulations that have been set by the halls officer. Students are expected to be responsible and mature while in residence at the University. The detailed regulations on resident conduct can be found in the student hand book.

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